
Relieve Achilles Pain: Step-by-Step Ankle Voodoo Floss Demo | CrossFit Chichester


Discover a game-changing technique! Learn how to voodoo floss your ankle with our step-by-step demo. Alleviate Achilles pain and enhance your squat. Watch now.

Unlock Pain Relief: Step-by-Step Ankle Voodoo Floss Demonstration.

Welcome to CrossFit Chichester! Explore a transformative technique in this video demonstration where I guide you through voodoo flossing for ankle pain relief. Learn the step-by-step process, emphasizing improved blood flow and increased range of motion. Witness immediate effects and discover how this technique enhances my squat. If Achilles pain is slowing you down, this could be a game-changer for you.

If you’re interested to find out how we can help you relieve pain and transform your body message us here, or fill out the contact form below: